Band Spotlight: BDRMM

By Dom Smith
By October 29, 2018 Band, Spotlight

In our latest Band Spotlight, we chat to Hull chillgazers, BDRMM.


S] Talk to us about the direct experiences that led to the development of ‘C:U’?

Ryan Smith] “I’d been through a messy break-up, I’d then gone on a bender and hit on a girl (who happened to be mates with the ex in question), I retired to a cocktail of drink, and ‘Disintegration’ by The Cure and found the inspiration to write the only way that I knew how, to express what had actually happened.”

S] How do you feel about Hull’s alternative music scene? 

Luke Irvin] “The Hull scene is a real gem. There’s a proper community atmosphere, with some really exciting bands coming through. Been a lot of fun to be a part of. What other city can get 30,000+ people down to a festival celebrating local music every year?”

S] What motivates you outside of music – think specific people, places, games and such?

Jordan Smith] “Motivation is a hard thing to describe. I’ve never really understood something so clearly that allows me to express myself with confidence as music does. So, i guess what motivates me is the idea that maybe one day I could motivate someone else with my work. I suppose you could say that’s insightful, or maybe I’m just rubbish at answering questions.”

S] What would you consider to be your biggest challenges as a band? 

Danny Hull] “The juggles of 21st Century life, I guess! Trying to maintain the 9-5 to pay the speeding ticket you can’t afford, whilst fitting in a busy touring schedule throws it difficulties. But there’s something quite satisfying going from office to stage, from David Brent to David Bowie, in an instant.”

S] How do BDRMM define success? 

Joe Vickers] “I think success for me (or us) is the idea that someone might walk to the shop to go buy a Kit-Kat or Hula Hoops, they put their headphones on and picks one of our songs to listen to for that moment. I like that idea.”

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