Industry Spotlight: Zubble

By Dom Smith
By March 16, 2017 Industry, Spotlight

In our latest industry spotlight, we chat to music app creators, Zubble about their work, and inspirations.


What motivated you guys to start Zubble?

It’s a product we wanted at uni! I was riding my bike into town one morning listening to a song that I really wanted to share. I thought to post a link onto Twitter or Facebook but it’s a task finding the song, posting it on text/photo-heavy timelines. Besides, we don’t really use those platforms as much anymore.

Radio and music TV are ageing and whilst we love streaming sites, they offer an individual listening experience. We’re always talking to our friends about what music we’re into and which artists we should look up and I thought it’d be great to have a platform to quickly share and discover music with friends.

So then we got talking with a lot of our mates who are in unsigned bands. They told us that they feel like they get the short end of the stick in the music industry. There’s so much good music out there that is simply hidden away online.

That’s why we decided to develop Zubble to offer a level playing field for talent – unsigned and signed artists are side by side in one easy to use application. Zubble unites the music consumer, unsigned and signed artists into one big melting pot of music discovery.

For me personally, I’ve got a slightly rebellious side, I don’t want to see whoever Spotify etc are pushing. I want to know what my friends and the people I’m interested in are playing.

What makes Zubble stand out, in your minds?

Zubble is music made social. It’s an app where you can connect, engage and discover. We’re not aiming to be an alternative to current streaming sites. We want to address the current ineffective connection, stagnant content and impersonal algorithms.

Zubble is a fresh and easy-to-use app that offers you a dedicated stream which is constantly refreshed by friends, tastemakers and artists who you follow. It also sits unsigned artists right next to their mainstream counterparts. Zubble celebrates music as a whole.

What are your aims and goals with it?

Our vision is to become the go-to platform to discover music! We want to grow Zubble into an amazing music community. We’d like to open doors for talented artists and for those who are starting out in the music scene to to put their music onto Zubble straight away to help them get it heard. We have loads of innovative features which are coming up soon!

What’s been a highlight within the project’s development?

For us, the highlight so far has been seeing everything that we imagined out and talked about with friends, artists and people in the music industry coming to life. It’s really cool to think of a concept that you believe in, obsess over it and create all the detail, then finally to see it turn into a real product that you can touch and interact with. It’s a really good feeling being able to create something that will be disruptive in the music industry and push it into people’s lives.

I’d have to say though that one of the best moments so far has been meeting Jimmy Napes. Jimmy wrote In the Lonely Hour with Sam Smith and also penned the James Bond song for Spectre. It was kind of surreal speaking with him about Zubble and getting feedback from a guy who has won a Grammy!

What are your major plans in 2017?

We’ve launched Zubble on the App Store. Our focus is to continue growing and connecting music lovers on Zubble. In the coming months we are looking to further develop our relationships with investors and secure funding. This will allow us to build our team, market the app on a much bigger scale and further develop Zubble – allowing us to add really some exciting features to make it the best product for our users! We’ve got some awesome ideas in the pipeline – watch this space!

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