Brad Laner of Medicine reflects on the band’s musical history in 2024

By Dom Smith
By January 18, 2024 Features, Interviews, News

Brad Laner of cult shoegaze band Medicine sits down with Soundsphere to discuss music, legacy and more!

S] How are you doing today?

Great, thanks ! It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Los Angeles.

S] Looking back on all that you have achieved as a band, how do you define success? 

Making exactly the records we want to make in 2024, with zero outside interference feels like success to me.

S] Do you consider legacy as a band? 

Only in a musical sense. I can listen to anything we’ve done in a 30+ year period and think it’s great. No worries about what anyone else thinks, ever.

S] How do you look back at ‘The Buried Life’ and those earlier records at this point, what do they mean to you?

They mean the world to me because I did exactly what I wanted to do without commercial concerns, despite the pressure to do so. I wouldn’t change a thing.

S] Now consider ‘Silences’ and its part in the Medicine history, what does that mean to you?

It means freedom and inspiration. Medicine is whatever we want it to be and Silences shows that perfectly, I think.

S] ‘On The Bed’ sounds like such an upbeat record, on tracks like ‘Tell Me Why’ and ‘The Night Before’ for example, was that intentional?

I guess our happiness with what we’ve been doing shows! Glad to hear!

S] What things are motivating the band outside of music, think specific people, places and movies, for example?

It’s only about music. Other things are just distractions from music. We make records to escape from people and places. Movies aren’t as good as records, but they need music to be good. Music doesn’t need visuals to be good. It’s the highest form of art.

S] Are there any messages you have for UK supporters? 

Keep warm this winter!

For more on Medicine visit: