CRUUSH announce Nice Things Now, All The Time EP

By Dom Smith
By January 31, 2024 Manchester, News

Manchester alt-rock risers cruush announce their new EP Nice Things Now, All The Time for April 12th via Heist or Hit.

Engaging new single ‘Headspace’ comes with the announcement. The band describe it as: “Maybe the most relatable song on the EP, everyone has a crush they’ve tried to get over. Really fun song for us to play and has been a fan favourite at shows for ages. We tried really hard to capture its natural ebb and flow and live dynamic in the studio and it worked really well, it’s well worth hanging around for that last chorus. Chorus guitars are very much inspired by Ride’s spanky guitars on songs like vapour trail.”

cruush take shoegaze’s dusty magic and thrust it into the 2020s, combining grit-your-teeth distortion with a disarming sweetness – think the delicacy of Wolf Alice whipped in the cyclonic guitars of My Bloody Valentine.

Alongside the juxtaposition innate to their sound, thematically they craft a narrative which is part based in whimsical head-in-the-clouds humour, and part on banal reality:

“The EP title comes from a bit we were doing in the car, a Trumpian/Saul Goodman style character selling you the promise of ‘nice things now, all the time’, contrasting with the dreary reality of our lives in the city. We’re all skint, overworked, bored and just want ‘nice things now, all the time.’ Let’s feed Lowry shrooms and take him to Thorpe Park.” 

Broadcasters and journalists alike have been enchanted with the method behind the madness, with Jack Saunders (BBC Radio 1), Steve Lamacq, Tom Robinson & Chris Hawkins (BBC Radio 6), John Kennedy (Radio X), Simone Butler (Soho Radio), Consequence of Sound, Bandcamp Daily, NME, Brooklyn Vegan, Dork, DIY and CLASH all lining up to call themselves fans.

On the live side, cruush have bagged supports with NewDad, BDRMM, The Lounge Society, Pale Blue Eyes, Far Caspian, Priestgate and Ian Sweet, while selling out hometown headline dates at Gullivers & YES.

The EP will be released on a limited run of 200 12” vinyl which also includes 2023 EP Wishful Thinker on the flip – pre-order for this will begin on Feb 2nd (to time with Bandcamp Friday). This will include a ‘zine insert created by vocalist Amber Warren, and tees are available as a bundle option too.

“We’re over the moon to have both our EP’s on vinyl, people have been asking at shows for a long time so it’s great we can have our music in physical format at last! Having the 2 EPs next to each other as well shows a really nice progression from where we’ve come from and hints at what’s to come next.” 

Nice Things Now, All The Time – the new EP from cruush – is out April 12th via Heist or Hit. New single ‘Headspace’ is out now.

Live Dates 
07/02 – London, The Social (DIY/ Parallel Lines)
09/02 – Grauzone Festival, The Hague, Netherlands
27/02 – Super Sonic, Paris, France
28/02 – Tours, France
09/03 – International Women’s Day Fest, Loud Women, London