Band Spotlight: The Lovely World

By Dom Smith
By October 31, 2019 Band, Spotlight

In our latest Band Spotlight, we chat to Lovely World about their sound.

What inspires your sound?

Genuine and passionate music. Anything that makes your hair stand up and your heart beat a little faster.

What inspires you as a band?

Being young and broke! We have loads of songs but we can usually only record based off of our budget. However, we don’t lack time. Being a very motivated band, there’s no telling where we’ll be at next year.

What motivates you outside of music?

A: The idea that we can’t play music as a career. Doing anything besides this would be a complete waste of time. I don’t think any of us are cut out for any other kind of lifestyle.

How do you define success as a band?

A: Writing honest and passionate music. As of now, the music industry is flooded with absolute shit. There’s not one current band or artist writing anything that could be considered good songs. We’re here to change that.

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