Band Spotlight: Something Leather

By Dom Smith
By March 25, 2020 March 26th, 2020 Band, Spotlight

Check out our latest Band Spotlight on trippy alternative rock, Something Leather.

S] How are you today? 

Alive and well. You?

S] How has the mission statement for Something Leather changed over time?

The band came together with the idea of having at the forefront instruments which are typically used for added textures. Phillie’s 70s vintage organ and Greg’s baritone guitar are, most of the time, studio instruments but we felt that they complimented each other very well and illustrated the dark moody world we had in our minds. Now we’ve expanded on that core idea by adding modern instruments, like synths, to our vintage inspirations or by trying to challenge our writing process. We are constantly looking for ways to bring new elements into our music sonically or lyrically. So maybe our mission is to constantly evolve?

S] What would you say the biggest challenges you face as a band are, right now? 

Right now, staying healthy during these weird times! We’ve had to cancel our UK Spring tour in support of our upcoming EP “Midnight Reverie” because of the whole coronavirus situation so trying to stay creative and find other ways to be productive and promote the EP!

S] How do you define success as artists? 

If one of our songs came on and someone could instantly recognise that it’s Something Leather, that would be a massive compliment.  It could be the vocals, the style, the way we play our instruments, etc. You can never mistake Nick Cave, Billie Eilish or Dream Wife for another artist and we would like to be in that position one day.

S] What inspires you guys outside of music, think specific people, places and movies, for example? 

We’ve always been inspired by dark romantic literature and films. The band is specifically named after a novel by Scottish author Alasdair Gray who has a special place in our hearts. His stories are dark, sometimes even dystopian or grotesque, and they constantly question the nature of our own desires and existence. We could name a few others like Baudelaire’s Flowers of Evil or Henry James’ Turn of the Screw but there are so many! Could we make you a list later? And then there is Greg’s baritone picking style inspired by spaghetti western and deserts. It’s the ideal mash up, right?

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