Moshe Reuven comments on his music and creativity bringing unity to people around the world

By Dom Smith
By March 28, 2024 March 30th, 2024 Features, Interviews, News

Renowned entrepreneur, ordained rabbi and musician, Moshe Reuven comments on his desire to make the world a Heavenly Place, and using his gifts to being unity to people around the world.

Moshe Reuven on his responsibilities: “You need God’s blessing in everything. I have a structure every day, there are things that are higher priority. Delegating is something that I have learned is important. I try and be as present as possible so that I can realise what is important, and make good decisions. It’s not always easy to do multiple things, and not always recommended either, but I am very grateful for it. It’s just a matter of balancing it all.

I am very driven, and I want things to go faster than they do. Most things that are good take time. I am grateful, I trust in God.”

On creating ‘You Are Not Alone’: “I made that song with people in mind, so they feel that God is with them. It’s reassuring to know that God is with you, and that there is a plan. That brings meaning to people’s pain, and when there is meaning, it is more possible to endure, and make it through.

It came out in the middle of Covid, a lot of people told me that they used it as a form of Meditation, as people were dealing with loneliness during that time, and people were also dealing with depression. I am very grateful that I was able to bring comfort to the world, especially through my first song.

Moshe comments on his soul’s mission: There is one mission I am here for as a person, and as a Jewish person. When I came home from creating ‘You Are Not Alone’ I just felt more whole. My whole purpose, and mission is to make the world a Heavenly Place.

Defining success: It’s the impact you have on people, and your family. Asking, am I becoming a better person? I am improving my life spiritually? For me, it’s how I am growing personally and my relationship with God, while I am doing these other things that in my eyes are part of it. It’s important that these things mesh and grow together. It’s also important to me to have the right impact on my family, and I am leading my family and community in the right direction. The more that I can impact people in a positive way, the better.

Listen to the full chat below: