How to Shape the Music Culture of Students in 2022? 

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By July 20, 2022 Blogs

Music is not only what we are listening to but a complex mixture that involves the way of life and certain experiences that have helped to shape our perception of sounds, music styles, and cultural aspects. If we turn to an exchange student from Latin America, it will be impossible to deny the beautiful Latin rhythms and a great sense for music, even if a person is a college athlete. It’s already in a person’s blood or DNA, depending on how you name it! The same formula works with the shaping of the musical culture these days when it’s essential to help students turn to their sociocultural background and keep open-minded by exploring and learning how to listen and actually hear the music. 

How to Shape the Music Culture of Students in 2022? 

  • Organize Listening Parties. 

It’s hard to find a student who wouldn’t like to spend time listening to music or partying. The practice shows that the shaping of musical culture does not have to be limited to solfeggio and reading about classical composers. Quite the contrary, you should make the playlist and listen along with your students by asking questions and trying to come up with ways to let them talk before you introduce something new and unknown to them. This way, you can inspire them and show that you also care for their musical tastes. 

  • Start Musical Blogs. 

Since we are living in the age of technology, you can implement Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok platforms to work on musical blogging. Consider the creation of various short posts that will include analytical, explanatory, and descriptive writing. It will help students to feel more confident as they express opinions and polish their writing skills. It is also possible to create private music discussion groups and cooperate with other schools and colleges worldwide. Remember to provide references for every quote that you make, and teach your students to respect copyrighted materials as they start a musical blog. 

  • Write Assignments on Different Musical Styles. 

It may sound like a boring task at first, yet you may keep things interesting by asking your students to come up with reflective or comparative assignments. For example, a student may write a paper that will explain why rap music is not all about violence and illegal activity. It is also possible to discuss the reasons why some celebrities are making a positive change by participating in charity initiatives. The students during their last year of academic studies may consider musicology and the origins of certain music cultures as an option. If you require additional guidance, consider timely dissertation help online by focusing on structure, editing, and proofreading aspects. It will help you to narrow things down and avoid plagiarism issues as you combine your thoughts with citations. 

  • Start Music Entrepreneurship Programs. 

Let’s not forget that many students are not musicians per se, yet have an ear for music and would like to understand how the musical culture can be promoted. You can start with special volunteering music entrepreneurship programs that will include anything from being a school DJ to party organization and selection of music that will fit everyone. This way, it can be a thematic evening or a special workshop with guest lecturers who will explain the way things work in the music business. Alternatively, you may invite a representative of the blues, rock, metal, or any other culture and let them talk about the musical style. 

  • Consider Musical Competitions. 

As another inspiring way to shape the musical culture of students these days, you may consider various musical competitions. It can be “Arizona State University Has Talents” or anything creative that your students may come up with. Let it combine poetry reading, drama, working with the light, costumes, and any kind of creative work that will inspire your students to work together and find the most efficient solutions. As an extracurricular activity, it will help your learners to belong and focus on cooperation as they overcome insecurities and appreciate music as an integral experience. 

You Can’t Force a Person to Listen

This aspect is often ignored by those who work hard to shape the musical culture of students by playing those classical music records or turning to the immortal hits by Led Zeppelin or Carlos Santana. It won’t work that easily when you have a student who was brought up with hip-hop culture or the likes of Rihanna and One Direction. The trick is to remember that there’s no bad music, even if you dislike it. Ask the students to talk about what they prefer and why. Go beyond the phrases like “it’s cool” or “she is a great singer”. Do your best to suggest the phrases and the ways to explore things without forcing anyone to listen to something they do not like or do not understand yet. Respect, patience, and mutual care are the essence of the musical culture that can help erase the stylistic borders and make every learner culturally competent when it comes to listening. 


Christian Duke loves his share of music when he is busy writing, as it helps to boost his creativity. When he is not offering professional assistance as an educator and content analyst, he loves to share his skills in technology, culture, and entertainment. Follow Christian to discover exciting things and learn differently. 

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