Sharkeologist discusses his debut album, new music video and future projects

By Izzy Hayden
By April 30, 2024 Features, Interviews, News

‘The Last Gasp’ is Sharkeologist’s debut album, released in January this year, consisting of 11 tracks.



Saying he’s inspired by Nirvana and Elliot smith, eventhough his music sounds different, Sharkeologist is a therapist and musician with a love for sharks.

The artist commented on his music, “I think what I’m trying to do with my music is to make as melodic and singable of grunge tunes as I can possibly do. Certainly with ‘The Last Gasp’ I was trying to write a song that I felt rocked hard but also that my two kids can sing.”

Title track ‘The Last Gasp’ recently had a music video released inspired by finally following your musical dreams that feel like a huge part of you. “After being a younger person in bands, I stepped away because I felt I wanted to do other things. Making a life in music is very hard so I wanted to do something to give me a stable life” Sharkeologist explains. “That was about 2011 or something. Fast forward to now I have my PHD and have two kids but I just felt there was a huge gaping hole in my life. I felt like I needed to do this again and here in my life was really my last chance or the last gasp.”

He continues to depict the music video, “The life I’ve built with the psychology is the sandcastle I built and I was very proud of, but realised how brittle and dry it was if I didn’t nurture this other part of my soul. I don’t intend to not be a therapist anymore but it’s been really nice to re-kindle this part of me. I’m still having a big biased within me knowing we would talk today thinking why does this person want to talk to little old me. I have ageist biased in me thinking I’m too old or not cool enough but then there’s that part of me that says fuck it I’m going to tackle the sandcastle and live my truest self.”

Tiffany Tomkinson directed the video and told us, “Jeff was amazing and a dream to work with. I took on the project first because I sincerely enjoy and believe in his music, but also appreciate his sense of humour and the fact he was down to have fun with the creative process. ”

The interesting name Sharkeologist originated from the artists love for sharks eventhough they are not appreciated by most people. “People mispronounce it all the time. Sharkeologist rhymes with archaeologist. It was the nickname I gave to my first therapist. We talked about sharks a lot because sharks are the first thing I remember truly loving when I was small. I was terrified of them but also found them really engrossing. My parents let me watch Jaws probably to young but ever since then I’ve been thrilled by things that terrify me. My therapist thought that was odd and he thought sharks were a manifestation of my feelings. He thought it was strange I described such a savage beast in loving terms so I was like maybe you’ll help me understand my love and aggression so you’ll be my Sharkeologist. It’s really an ode to him.”

The future is bright for Sharkeologist who would like to make more music videos, “I loved it, I didn’t know I would have as much fun as I did making videos.” He also has an upcoming gig in a bar ‘The Sunset Tavern’ in Seattle as well as, plans to help a hip-hop artist by creating guitar music to feature on their tracks.

Upcoming show:

Wed 5/15 @ The Sunset Tavern (Seattle)

w/ Simple Minded Symphony & Map Of The Woulds


Watch ‘The Last Gasp’ video here:

More on Sharkeologist: