Artist Spotlight: Sarantos

By Dom Smith
By September 4, 2023 Features, Interviews, News

In our latest Reverbnation Spotlight we chat to pop-rock powerhouse, Sarantos!

S] How are you today?

I’m doing well, each and every day is a new chance at an adventure like no other.

S] How do you define success as an artist?

I think as long as you’re happy with the art you’re putting out, you are successful.

S] Do you think much about your legacy?

Not at all.

S] Tell me what direct experiences inspired ‘Happy Axxidents’?

No matter how crappy your day is, or your relationship, you never know what’s waiting for you around the corner.

S] What about ‘Above The Clouds’?

This is another positive song about no matter how bad it’s raining and how dark the day it is, it’s always sunny above the clouds. Another hopeful song…

S] Who are your top three musical influences, and why?

This might change depending on my mood or day, but pretty universally I would say anything 80s (especially Def Leppard, Survivor, and Michael Jackson) and some modern artists like Ed Sheeran, Taylor, Swift, and Justin Bieber!

S] What keeps your most passionate outside of music – think specific people and places?

My family and friends keep me pretty grounded and always inspire me. The memory of my dad will always burn a fire in my soul until I draw my last breath.

S] Thanks for your time!

You’re welcome!