Mental health charity launches developer champions event

By James Pellegrom

 UK-based charity Safe in our World has announced their first Game Dev Champions event.

The charity, which focuses on mental health awareness and support in the video game industry, hopes the event will empower gamers and developers to create intimate and personal video games based on their own experiences.

The Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 registration window is now open and closes on the 31st of May. The event itself begins on the 1st of June, judging will be completed by November 30th and winners announced on a special showcase in December.

Charity director Sarah Sorrell said: “Safe in our World was launched on the eve of the pandemic, arriving at a vital time to offer support for gamers. If there is one theme the Pandemic left us with, it’s that perhaps people are now talking more about their mental health.

That is the theme of this competition; to continue this vital conversation and encourage people to express what they went through and share their experience by making a game that means something to them.

Safe in our World said that games are an amazing vehicle to express difficult and often emotional mental health journeys that people face every day. Through this initiative, and by sharing these experiences, Safe in our World seeks to amplify the voices of the gaming community and enable players to experience an often silent struggle.

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