Live Review: Black Deer Festival- The Heat Goes On

By John Hayhurst
By June 17, 2023 Live, Reviews

Whether its the weather, or eating the hottest chilli on the planet, Black Deer Festival is still sweltering in the heat on day 2

Words and Photos – John Hayhurst

A very American Chilli Eating competition kicks off in the blazing heat,  Carolina Reapers were swallowed like they were cucumbers but the coolest place was reserved for Cardinal Black’s Chris Buck who pulled some of the best solos this side of Peter Green.

The whole arena in raptures as a very laid back set from Cardinal Black set up more Latin American flavours with Calexico following.

This festival still keeps coming up with suprises and some enchanting vocals from Katherine Priddy started us off, and Morganway in the Cafe Nero tent brought back memories of Fleetwood Mac, following that with some pure slide rock n roll brilliance from Tim Gerard.

Then the Teskey Brothers shined with their laid back Americana harmonies. We still have Bonnie Raitt and Chrissie Hynde to go, but today has already been a dream event, now for a BBQ Beef Brisket tea and some axe throwing before Bonnie.